Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Female Photography

Bimbo models are a dime a dozen and will never succeed. And they will never know why.

The focus in our beauty-oriented world is on physical attractiveness, and models certainly need to possess that attribute. Think about how much you enjoy looking at attractive men and women. You will be glued to that beauty as long as it's in eyesight. You will think about or comment on specifics... beautiful hair or eyes, handsome physique, beguiling smile. But, as we had said many times, modeling is so much more than just looking good.

Bimbo-ism is a state of mind. Although the word initially referred to men (male baby or very young child), common usage in the last century in the English language referred to women who are totally focused on physical appearance and neglect other parts of their persona. The Bimbo-model believes the only thing important about her work is how she looks. She couldn't be more mistaken. The exaggerated value she puts on her physical appearance stifles the other requirements necessary for successful modeling.

So what IS important for models to consider in developing their career? We suggest the Body-Mind-Spirit concept that has proven so helpful in other life arenas. And we wouldn't necessarily put 'Body' first in that threesome.

First, recognize the value of your Mind. Develop interests outside the modeling world. Read something other than modeling/beauty magazines. Stay in touch with what's going on in the world so you can keep 'Body' in its appropriate place. The successful model projects a serene sense of knowing what's important in life, where he/she belongs in the world and finds that place good.

Second, stay in touch with your 'Spirit'. If you don't know how to do that, read. Some will find Spirit through organized religion. Others will not. Learn to meditate. Develop your Spirit-life so that no matter what outside events you encounter, your Spirit will help you understand those events and deal with them. Life is never fair and it's not always happy. Your Spirit supports you during the tough times and creates a strength that sustains you throughout your life. The 'Spirit' of the successful model can be seen on her/his face. It glows.

Third, take care of your Body. Yes, physical beauty is important. And beauty is defined in many ways. Don't limit your attractiveness to sex appeal. Exercise regularly, eat well, get enough sleep. Learn how to apply make-up and style your hair in ways that will enhance your unique beauty. Work on developing a natural look that allows your Mind and Spirit to shine through your Body. And most important, the successful non-Bimbo model keeps all three parts of her life in balance and harmony.

Author: Sharon Elrod

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