Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Digital Photography Tips That Work Fast and Easily

So you want some digital photography tips that work quick and are easy? Well, photography is not that hard to start getting good at. It's like playing an instrument. Anybody can get to a decent level but those that are very dedicated and with some talent are the ones that become great. I will try to show you how to become great.

The key for a beginner to start taking better shots is actually divided into two different keys...
1. Ultimate Control Over Your Camera and Equipment
2. Compositional Expertise

Experts have these two down pat and you as a beginner must try to develop these as best as you can. When expert photographers take photos they spend very little time composing a shot. Instead, they focus their attentions more on the message, the style, and what they want the photo to do to the viewer. That's art!

Until you get to that level, master these two aspects of photography.
Technical Expertise.This may be the easiest part to photography. It's kind of like math. You must understand what exposures to use, what aperture, shutter speed, etc for proper exposure and such. If you don't know what those terms mean then you need to learn!
Basically, shutter speed is the device in the camera that controls the amount of time light that is let in. Aperture controls how much light is let in. So, when you take a photo the camera lets light in a certain amount of time from a certain size of an opening.
Compositional Techniques:There are lots of compositional techniques, and honestly, a lot of these tips conflict with one another.

The key is to use the compositional tip that works with the situation your in. For a sample, I'll give you three powerful and easy to implement techniques:

1. Isolate. Beginners make the mistake of trying to photography everything in a single shot. Don't. Take a simple picture with a definite subject that anybody will understand as the main object of interest. If a viewer has to ask what to look at, you have a cluttered shot.

2. Avoid the Middle. People that take photos for "memories" take shots dead center. You want photos that look nice and thus, are going to want to use the rule of thirds. Simply stated, it says to avoid the middle. Place the subject to the left or the right, top or bottom.

3. Use Lines. Many different tips come into this category of tips. Use lines to lead to the subject of interest. This can add more impact to the subject. For example, have lines on a road lead to a car far head. Also, you can use lines to set the mood. Vertical lines make shots look fast paced whereas horizontal lines make relaxing shots like the beach.

This was just a brief touch to the tips and techniques out there for taking awesome shots. The ultimate tip towards success, however, is one you are going to hate hearing: practice! Overstated but true.

Author: Al Sanchez

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